Add acts of kindness to your child's to-do list We all want our children to grow up to be kind and caring people. Here's a simple way you can help: With your child, make a list of all the children in his class. Then each morning, ask your child to choose a different name from the list. Talk about a specific way he could show kindness to that student. To remind him, you might put a note in his lunch bag. After school, talk about what your child did.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
RISD Fall Festival is this Saturday! You can purchase tickets at your campus this week! We hope to see everyone on Saturday.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Fall Fest
Good manners are important at home and school When a child misbehaves in school, everybody loses. Classroom time must be spent on discipline instead of learning. The manners children use at home are the ones they take to school. Expect your child to be considerate, and to express disagreement politely. Teach her to pay attention to the teacher and raise her hand. Respect for others is a critical factor in making the school a peaceful, productive place to learn.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Practice tests help kids prepare for the real thing Research has shown that one of the most effective ways students can study for tests is by taking practice tests. When your child faces an upcoming test, use review sheets the teacher has sent home, past worksheets, and questions at the end of a textbook chapter to quiz your child's understanding of the topic. Having to recall the information helps reinforce it in his mind.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Haven't had a chance to join us for a Community Bond Information Meeting? We have added a meeting!
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Create a routine for conversations about school Like anything else, conversations with your child about school get easier when they become more routine. You might discuss school on the way home from picking her up, or after you both arrive at home. Or make school a regular topic of dinner conversation with your child. In some families, after dinner is a perfect time for a one-on-one chat. You might also try talking as you tuck your child into bed.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Early Voting has begun!
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Early Voting
Share the role of reader with your child Reading aloud with your child is a great way to help him become a better reader. Choose a short passage from a book at your child's reading level. Read it aloud to him. (Be sure to use lots of expression in your voice.) Then have him read the passage back to you. If he struggles with a word, remind him what it is, then let him continue reading. Don't worry if it takes a few times before your child can read the text easily.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Make time for math activities every day Not every child is a math whiz. But daily practice can help all students maximize their math skills. It's important, for example, that your child understand math vocabulary. Have her explain new terms in her homework to you. You can help her practice basic math facts by quizzing her with flash cards and playing math games together. Encourage your child to do sample problems in her textbook, too.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
We are loving our new app! Catch up with the latest student stories, sports scores, daily menus and news updates. It’s everything Royal ISD, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
To keep track of everything, keep one family calendar Has your child ever forgotten a science project until the last minute? Or needed to go to practice when you had to work? A family calendar is the solution. On it, write school events, your child's assignments, reminders about items that must go to school on a certain day, sports practices, activities, commitments and special events. You'll be able to keep track of everything and spot conflicts ahead of time.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
The Royal ISD 2019 Bond proposes projects at the campus level and district-wide. Take a look at what's proposed that will impact the district as a whole. Find out more at
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
For better behavior, predict, prepare and practice When it comes to discipline, don't wait until after a problem arises to plan what to do. Instead, think "Predict, prepare, practice." Predicting a behavior lets you brainstorm ways to prevent it. Then you can try out your solutions. For example, if you predict your child will be late in the morning, prepare by having him lay out his clothes at night. For practice, see if he can beat his best time getting dressed.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Royal ISD's current football stadium and track were built in the early 1960's. The bond proposes demolishing and rebuilding a new stadium and 8 lane track on the existing site to address safety, ADA compliance, UIL requirements and more. See the details at
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Communication skills are the stars of this show Kids who know how to listen and express themselves have an easier time in school. They also have less trouble making friends. The best way to build your child's skills is by example. Look at your child when she speaks. Listen without judging, and ask questions to show your interest. To help her practice communicating effectively, pretend to be talk show hosts and take turns interviewing each other.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Keep an eye on your child's after-school schedule After-school activities can enrich your child's life. But sometimes, even a good thing can be too much. From time to time, review your child's schedule. Does he enjoy all his activities? Does he have time to get his schoolwork finished? Does he have time to read, play and relax? Do his activities cause him stress? If you suspect your child is overscheduled, talk with him about dropping an activity.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Share enthusiasm for learning with your child It's not enough to tell your child you value learning. Show her, too. Stop what you're doing and talk to her about what she's doing in school. Read to her. Discuss ideas, news and other things you learn with her. Together, research the answers to questions that come up. Wonder out loud about scientific discoveries. When your child sees you care about learning, she'll want to learn, too.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Acknowledge negativity, but don't indulge it Some children seem to have been born with a negative outlook. If this is true of your child, while you can't make him into something he's not, you can help him adjust. First, accept him for who he is. Don't pay so much attention to his negativity that he learns to use it to get attention. Instead, listen to his complaints so he feels heard, then change the subject to something he feels positive about.
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Did you know it is illegal for bond funds to go towards staff salaries? School funding is divided between M&O and I&S budgets. M&O pays for salaries, utilities, furniture, supplies, food, gas, etc. I&S repays debt. I&S funds cannot be used to pay staff salaries. You can see exactly what these bond funds are legally bound to go towards by viewing the Election Order here:
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD
Support your child's efforts to reach a challenging goal Sometimes, children set goals for themselves that are higher than their parents would set for them. If your child has set a lofty goal, help her break it down into a series of smaller, more achievable steps. If the going gets rough, help her keep her eyes on her goal. And if she doesn't quite meet it, point out how far she came. "You didn't get an A this time, but you got a high B. That's a tremendous improvement!"
over 4 years ago, Royal ISD