Royal ISD Public Information Requests (PIR)

Royal Independent School District, as a local governmental entity, is subject to the requirements of the Texas Public Information Act. Requests for public information (open records) will be handled in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act (PIA), Texas Government Code 552.001.   The Act allows the release of public records already in existence. The District is not required to create new information or reports, to do legal research, or answer questions. If the request cannot be produced within ten business days, the District will notify the requestor in writing of the reasonable date and time when it will be available. The District will provide the records in the specified format, if available.

Your request must be in writing and addressed to the Officer for Public Information. Only written requests trigger a governmental body's obligations under the Public Information Act. Requests made by facsimile or electronic mail must be addressed to the Office of Public Records in order to trigger an obligation under the Texas Public Information Act. 

  • Provide your full name and contact information, including email/or fax (if available).

  • For student records, all requests must be accompanied by photo identification.

  • Provide a heading for your correspondence that reads Public Information Request.

  • Provide a detailed, precise description of the nature and scope of information you are seeking.

  • Requests should be for documents or other information that is already in existence. 

Royal offers several options for submitting open records requests: