COVID Testing Update: Program Cancellation

Greetings, Falcon community!

Royal ISD’s grant funds for COVID testing expired on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. As a result, COVID-19 testing will no longer be provided at our campuses. If you need to obtain a COVID test or vaccine, there are several options:

The well-being of our Falcon community begins with responsible self-screening. Please conduct the following self-screening questionnaire each day prior to accessing Royal ISD buses or buildings. You do not need to submit this questionnaire; it is for personal use only.

Student and Staff Screening Questions:

  • Have you been in contact with anyone who is positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

  • Have you had a fever greater than 100.0 F in the last 24 hours?

  • Have you had a new or worsening cough or shortness of breath/difficulty breathing?

  • Have you had any two or more of the following symptoms:

    • chills

    • repeated shaking with chills

    • muscle pain/aches

    • headache

    • sore throat

    • new loss of taste or smell

    • diarrhea

    • cough

If you answer yes to any of the above questions, please contact your Campus Nurse and Principal.

For the 2022-2023 school year, employees must stay home when sick and can utilize their local and state leave for positive COVID-19 results.

As always, our highest priority is the safety of our students, staff, and community.

Thank you,

Royal ISD