COVID Vaccine Opportunity for RISD Students!

Dear Royal ISD Parents/Guardians and Staff,

Over the course of the school year, Katy ISD and Royal ISD have been working with healthcare providers throughout the region to provide opportunities for staff and eligible students to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, should they be interested. As you may be aware, this week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for ages 12 and up. Royal ISD extends its thanks to Randall's and Katy ISD for including us in this opportunity.

Randall’s Pharmacy Optional Vaccination Opportunity for Students

On Wednesday, May 19, Randall’s Pharmacy will offer an optional vaccination opportunity to Royal  ISD students, 12 years of age and older, from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Agricultural Sciences Center (5801 Katy Hockley Cut-Off Rd - see pictures below for a visual of the facility, as it sits somewhat off of the road). 

The vaccination will be available free of charge. A valid student ID, along with a completed parent consent form for individuals who are 17 years of age or younger, must be presented.  To schedule a vaccination appointment for your child, and to access the parent consent form, please use the following link:  

Please note that Randall’s Pharmacy has only scheduled the May 19 opportunity at the Agricultural Sciences Center at this time.  The pharmacy plans on administering the second vaccine dose in the series on Wednesday, June 9 in the same location.
Royal ISD students are not required to take the COVID-19 vaccine in order to participate in District activities and/or programs.  
Should you have any questions about the optional COVID-19 vaccination available for students 12 years old and above, please contact or (281) 396-7499.
Royal ISD