Name, Title: Valerie Chavez-Rodriguez, RES Front Office Assistant
How long have you been at Royal? 2 years
What's your "why"? I love for our students, staff and visitors to always feel acknowledged, helped, and heard. I truly love helping others and making a difference even if it’s a small one each day.
How do you contribute to the district mission statement of "investing in our tomorrow"? Coming to work each day with a positive attitude to help staff, students, and parents. Getting things done!!!
Favorite quote: “Be a reflection of what you’d like to receive, what you give out will return to you.” Unknown
What are 1-2 goals you would like to achieve during the 2023-2024 school year? Goal #1 Not be afraid of trying/learning new things Goal #2 Be more consistent less indecisive.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? I enjoy swimming, going on walks, star gazing, going to the movies, shopping, and spending time with my loved ones.
Anything else you'd like to share about yourself? I love my work family at RES!!!!!!!!