Royal ISD Cyber-Safety Awareness Presentation


Royal ISD is partnering with Crime Stoppers to provide educational safety sessions on a variety of topics. Our first session will cover Cyber-Safety. Please join us via Zoom tonight at 6:00PM. 

There is a plethora of cyber safety concerns and forms on online victimization. In this presentation you will get an in-depth overview of potential online dangers, trends, hidden features of popular social media apps, and a brief overview of gaming platforms, as well as long terms consequences and laws surrounding the internet and monitoring tools to assist you in keeping your students safe while use technology.

Topic: Cyber Safety Awareness for the Parents of Royal ISD

Time: April 27, 2023 at 06:00 PM Central Time

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 863 6253 3375

Passcode: Redphone01

Spanish Recording: A Spanish recording will be available next Tuesday and will be shared with our community at that time.