Royal ECHS Early Application Window: March 1-31

The Royal Early College High School (ECHS) Early Application Window is open from March 1st to March 31st! All 8th grade students who wish to join the Royal ECHS Program should submit an application (see link below) directly to their current School Counselor. ECHS enrollment is open to all 8th grade students (from Royal Junior High School and Royal STEM Academy) and acceptance is on a first-come, first-serve basis until we reach the student cap (75 students per grade level) per School Board policy. Students are required to complete the entire application, including the essay portion, before their application will be considered. If students are submitting their application via email, please ensure that you are using your Royal Gmail account. 

Royal ISD ECHS' primary focus is providing students from underrepresented backgrounds (i.e., at-risk, low income, and/or first generation college attendees) with the opportunity to earn 60+ college credits free of charge while attending high school. As a designated Early College High School we target students from underrepresented backgrounds; however, we encourage students of all backgrounds to apply. Early College High School is available to any Royal ISD student who meets the admissions criteria.

To apply to the program, please follow this link and choose "Application" to access the ECHS application for the 2023-2024 school year.

Current RHS 9th grade students may also apply to ECHS for the 2023-2024 school year by submitting an application directly to the Director of Advanced Academics (Mrs. Melissa Baker).  Program eligibility ends after August of the student's Sophomore year per School Board policy. Please note that limited spaces are available in the program for incoming Sophomores, so eligibility requirements must be met.