Royal  ISD Holds Community Advisory Committee Kick-Off Meeting

Royal ISD welcomed 50 community members, district employees, and school board trustees on April 20, 2021 in the first of many Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings, with the goal of developing a strategic plan and balanced score card for the district. The meeting was facilitated by Moak, Casey, and Associates, who guided the attendees as they embarked on the path of creating a set of belief statements for Royal ISD. Upon completion, these values will be the lens through which all decisions are made at Royal.

When asked about the meeting, Superintendent Rick Kershner said, “It was really wonderful to see a diverse group of school personnel and community members coming together to work on developing belief statements. These statements will guide Royal ISD as we work on strategic planning for our district.”

At Royal ISD, our mission is “Investing in our tomorrow”. Our vision is to become a destination district committed to instructional excellence in a safe, equitable environment for all.

Thank you to all CAC members who joined us last night. The Royal ISD leadership team is excited about the progress made at the first meeting, and is looking forward to the journey!