Bus Driver Appreciation Week: Please Wear Yellow on Monday, 2/19!

At Royal, we LOVE our transportation heroes! Bus Driver Appreciation Week is February 19-23. Bus drivers are the first Royal employees that many of our students see each day. They are committed to ensuring that our students have a great start to their day of learning. Drivers also take our students to events, activities, and more! We cannot thank them enough for their dedication to our students' success and safety. CLICK HERE for a special thank you message to transportation from Royal ECC! #WeAreRoyal #LoveTheBus #InvestingInOurTomorrow


We invite our students and staff to wear yellow to school on Thursday, February 22 to show their appreciation for our hard-working and dedicated transportation team!

Royal Transportation by the numbers:

  • 3 Lead Drivers

  • 30 Drivers

  • 19 Bus Monitors

  • 10 Substitute Drivers

  • 2 Mechanics

  • 3 Mckinney-Vento Drivers

  • 1 Driver on Katy Route

  • 1 Secretary

  • 1 Transportation Director

  • 34 Buses

  • 15 District Vehicles

  • 29 Routes

  • 1,429.86 Miles Driven Per Day (For some perspective, this was 1,337 per day in 2022-2023 and 1,121 in 2021-2022)

Members of the Royal Transportation Team were celebrated earlier this month at the regular School Board Meeting on Monday, February 5. (L-R: Kara Alberico, Chris Janda, Danielle Johnson, Monica Cerda, Todd Lee):

Members of the Royal Transportation Team were celebrated earlier this month at the regular School Board Meeting on Monday, February 5. (L-R: Kara Alberico, Chris Janda, Danielle Johnson, Monica Cerda, Todd Lee):