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Shalonda Dumas
Natalie Alexandre
Associate Principal
Stephen McCormick
Assistant Principal
Shannon Wesley
Assistant Principal
Portia Abanathy
Life Skills Aide
Erica Abanathy
Inclusion Aide
Priscilla Alegria
Counselor Office Assistant
Latachia Ames
Life Skills Teacher
Magdalena Barrientos
Associate Principal Secretary
Sandra Benavidez
Principal Secretary
Lynette Beyer
Teacher CTE
LaShan Bland
Senior Marine Instructor, MJROTC
Brad Bozeman
Inclusion Teacher
Ella Breakbill
Science Teacher
Mekele Brown
PASS Teacher
Tisheka Brown
Lead Counselor/ECHS Counselor
Ebony Burns
English SPED Teacher
Herman Burns
English Teacher
Raymond Callies
Theater Teacher
Selena Castillo
Trade Industrial / Welding Teacher