Royal FFA Waller County Fair Results

Royal FFA Members earned big awards at the Waller County Fair! Congratulations to the exhibitors for their hard work and determination. Each species brought home many awards and we congratulate you! Awards are listed below! 


Eliana Nunez 15th Place

Market Rabbit 

Emery Woods - 18th place meat pen, 3rd place fryer, 4th place junior showmanship

Bryce Archer - 19th place meat pen

Market Goat Results

Class 1, Kaylee Meader 3rd place

Class 2, Elizabeth Ibarra 5th place

Jaylyn Danz 4th place

Class 3, Helena Ferro 2nd place

Kaylee Meader 4th place

Remy Danz 6th place

Class 4, Maddie Meader 5th place

Class 5, Daniel Ceballos 2nd place

Showmanship Winners

Helena Ferro Senior Champion

Daniel Ceballos Novice Senior Champion

Remy Danz Reserve Junior Champion

Market Swine 

Asher Rico - Class 1 - 4th place

Lauren Hillsman - Class 1 - 11th place

Shelby Woods - Class 2 - 3rd place

Jacob Pistor - Class 2 - 5th place

Hayden Rico - Class 2 - 6th place

Presley Jacob - Class 3 - 7th place

Ramiro Ferro - Class 3 - 11th place, Reserve Junior Showmanship champion

Valentin Ferro - Class 4 - 3rd place

Tania Ramirez - Class 5 - 8th place

Calf Scramble Catches

- Brianna Burrow

- Raelee Hacke

- Alex Pena

Breeding Heifers

Porter Jacob - 1st Place Light Weight AOB, Champion Jr. Showman

Kaelynn Hein - Champion Scramble Heifer

Kynslee Hein - 16th place LightWeight ABC

Kevin Weatherford - 5th Place Scramble Heifer, 12th place Middleweight ABC

Raelee Hacke - 4th place Light Weigh ABC

Tate Seward - 8th place Scramble Heifer, 7th place Heavyweight ABC

Ava Seward - 9th place LightWeight ABC

Jazbel Marmolejo - 10th place Scramble, 2nd place LightWeight ABC

Rafael Marmalejo - 11th place Scramble, 7th place Light Weight AOB

Victoria Miller - 7th place Middle ABC

Shelby Woods - 7th place LightWeight ABC

Jacob Pistor - 12th place Scramble, 6th place LightWeight ABC

Jaycee Estep - 4th place Middleweight ABC

Danielle Jones - 9th place LightWeight ABC

Brianna Diezi - 5th place MiddleWeight ABC, 7th Place Pen pf 2

Sophia Clingenpeel - 6th Place Light Weight AOB

Tessa Clingenpeel - 14th place Middleweight ABC

Deysi Rivera - 3rd place Heavy Weight ABC

Deysi Rivera - 4th place Scramble, 9th place Middle Weight AOB, Champion Scramble Showman

Kaylie Marmolejo - 3rd Place LightWeight ABC

Market Steers 

Presley Jacob - Class 1 ABC - 2nd place

Shelby Woods - Class 2 ABC - 1st place

Porter Jacob - Class 3 ABC - 1st place, Breed Champion ABC Steer,

Elyssa Pruner - Class 3 ABC - 4th place, Champion Senior Showmanship

Livestock Judging 

Placing 4th High team, Members are Maria Gomez, Porter Jacob, Presley Jacob and Shelby Woods. in the Junior Division and Top Ten Awards go to Presley Jacob, 9th High Individual. In the Waller County Division, Kynslee Hein was the Junior High individual and Presley Jacob was the Intermediate high individual.

Waller County Fair Princess

Jaylyn Danz 

Creative Living 

Callie Hacke, 3rd Place Quilt 

Ekon Ferro, Reserve Champion Woodworking