Your Vote is Your Voice: Be Heard. Vote on November 3.

Good evening, Falcons!

It’s 5pm on “Election Eve”! Tomorrow is Election Day. If you shared your voice during Early Voting, THANK YOU! If you plan to vote tomorrow on Election Day, THANK YOU! Sharing your voice by voting is the most effective way to achieve positive change at the local, state, and national levels. Visit for local polling locations and for Election Day hours of operation.

We strongly encourage voters in the Royal community to do their own research, get the facts, and vote. Over the past several weeks, Royal ISD has shared a wealth of information to assist you in making your choice about Royal ISD Bond 2020. This gives you, the voter, the opportunity to choose the bond package that you feel will most benefit current and future Falcon students.

If any or all of the Royal ISD Bond 2020 propositions are approved, RISD will assemble a bond oversight committee with a diverse group of community and district leaders to ensure that the bond proposal items will be completed and to promote transparency.

If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Bond Communications Team via email ( or or via phone at 281-934-2248 (ask for Christi Ginn). The current administration is dedicated to transparency and positive change, and we welcome your questions.

We encourage you to get involved with the schools in Royal ISD by attending school board meetings, asking questions, volunteering (once we are able to do so again) and staying in contact with your child’s campus. This is the best way to truly see what our staff is accomplishing with our amazing Falcon students. It takes a village!

Royal ISD thanks you again for voting and for partnering with us to promote a positive learning environment for all Falcon students.

“Every election is determined by the people who show up.” ― Larry J. Sabato

Royal ISD